Friday, August 26, 2011

Ministers Of Christ

Jesus said that faith is essential to making your life into what  you want it to be.  He said, "As you believe, so it shall be done unto you."  What is it about faith that makes it so important?
1.   Faith changes your vision.  When you have faith, you see possibilities that other people cannot appreciate.  While others stumble around in spiritual darkness, you see where you are going, and you have clarity of purpose.
2.   Faith changes your focus.  You radically shift your focus in a new direction, and that focus expands.  Instead of your limited and short-sighted dreams, you have the privilege of experiencing God's dream for your life. 3.  Faith takes the handcuffs off God.  God doesn't push and shove his way into your life.  He enters your heart and mind by invitation only.  You must ask him to come in and change the way you think and feel.  Once you ask him into your heart and mind, the handcuffs come off God, and He starts working miracles.

4.  Faith gives you positive expectations.  Your old way of thinking and feeling is gone.  You believe that there is no limit to how good your life can become when you get in agreement with God's plan.  When you say yes to God, his purpose and plan take you places that you never dreamed were possible. 
5.  Faith is a switch that turns you on and starts you moving.  The inertia of your old life dissipates as the power of God's love rolls through your heart and mind.

6.  Faith makes you congruent.  Your head, heart, and will now want the same thing and move  in the same direction.  You get in agreement with God, and become a part of his unstoppable plan. 

7.  Faith gives you courage when you place your trust in God.  God is your Defender, the Captain of your fate, and the Master of your soul.  He is your Guide and will show you where to take the next step.  He knows your life from start to finish, and it won't be over until He says it's over.  You have nothing to fear.
Jesus said," Set your mind on God's Kingdom and his justice before everything else, and all the rest will come to you as well."  Jesus knew that the focus of your mind will make or break you.  The right mental focus transforms your life into an awesome adventure.  The wrong focus puts you on a treadmill that wears you down and out.  You end up in Nowhere Land, and you miss out on God's dream for your life.

OH ! My Gracious Father,
Thank You for continually being present within my life! Thank You for loving me with such unconditional adoration!. Make me worthy of Your wonderful devotion toward me that I may give You honor and praise.Cause me to have a passionate desire toward Your word that I may please You in all I do and say. May I desire nothing on this desolate earth but the future glory with You! My FATHER,You are protecting me,since my child hood, from all the problems around me from all the ways,while I'm in darkness! My most precious Lord,kindly remember the poor and sick,and please accord ''peace'' in this around the whole world!!! Kindly bless Your servants, old age people, unmarried girls/boys, and parents less children! AMEN!!!....

. This prayer is powerful, and prayer is one of the best gifts we can receive. 1Thessalonians 5:17, "Pray without ceasing". There is no cost, but a lot of rewards if you just cry out to Him, as the blind men did. Let's always pray for one another. Here's the prayer: Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, thank You for each and every day You have blessed us here on earth. Thank You for Your love,Your grace, and Your tender mercies. Thank You for life, health, and strength. Lord, I thank You for keeping me in the right frame of mind. Thank You for giving us friends and family to share these Internet joys with. I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those I care deeply for who are reading this right now. Where there is joy, give them continued joy, Where there is pain, give them your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence. Where there is need, fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings. I declare and decree through the blood of Jesus, that all request made shall come to pass. Father, You know some will not receive this prayer, or pass it on. Father, I ask that You bless them as well. Create in those who don't, a new heart. Give them a renewed mindset. Lord we pray this prayer in Your Son, Jesus' name, Amen!!!!!


When you surrender, you give faith the opportunity to come in. You remove resistance which  causes pain. It is then when you come into alignment with the Spirit. You're also providing energy for Spirit to work on your behalf, teach you valuable lessons, support your well being. It is an act of courage and power that shifts you from being of no power to being a CHILD OF GOD entitled to the best! Remember, THE WORK YOU DO ON YOURSELF IS THE WORK YOU DO FOR GOD.

Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
forever in the next.
A Testimony: by Min. D. Mullen
       Lately, I have received compliments on my character, actions, spirit and etc. And the fact is, I would find some way to diminish the statement(s) or question why people saw or said what they saw or said.
       But then TRUTH stepped into my spirit and said to me..."Son, you talk too much". So I said what do you mean I talk too much? Truth said;
"I'm glad you asked". "First of all, It isn't YOU they're talking to...It's me! You forgot about My glory. You are not allowing me to be fed". "If you are the light of the world, and the salt of the earth, then you must not shame me by not allowing the me in you to be fed"..."To increase your faith...To bring forth my give you the expected end I spoke of in My word".
"You must also remember you are not your own".
        "You obviously didn't understand the magnitude and depth of the power, wisdom and knowledge that would be allocated to you within the prayers you've prayed". "STOP praying and using my word knowing and having bore witness to the absolute fact that I DO hear and answer prayer, and yet you doubt".
       "You need understanding on how I operate"!
So, I gave you a good shepherd to give clarity as well as guidance. You must also UNDERSTAND that Michael A. Bates (my bishop)
is another gift that I've given you. and your gifts will make room for you and that I've done these things so that you would HAVE room"!
      "This joy you've been given freely...with love is yet another small example of how I renew your strength; to let you mount on wings as an eagle; increase your faith and boldness to spread the Gospel of Truth; which is My Word".

It is my sincere prayer that my testimony bless the body of Christ.

                                                Min. D. Mullen

God Is Love

God Is Love

